

• This worship book offers you a way to stay in connection with God or Re-connect with God through a life of worship.

• Through revelation, visions, short stories and insights from the word of God, the author reveals the type of worship that God desires.

• A demonstration of how our life struggles can help us to realize our true calling

• Keys to overcome various challenges through a lifestyle of worship

• Original songs of praise and worship and songs of encouragement like the psalms of David will uplift you from your situation and usher you into the presence of God.


About the Book

Do you know God’s purpose for your life?
Are you longing for a deeper relationship with the LORD?
What are God’s terms of engagement?
Are you feeling disconnected from God?
How can you reconnect with God?
Do you desire a life of worship?

#Acall2Worship answers these questions and more. Worship is not just a one-time event, but it is a lifestyle. A lifestyle of worship has a direct effect on how we respond to various situations and challenges we face every day.

#Acall2Worship is an inspired book that chronicles one man’s journey, life struggles, dreams and visions. The author shares how his life struggles help him realize his true calling. He shares his journey so that readers can see how everything happens on God’s time even when we desire for things to happen differently and according to our own way. The author shares with readers intimate God-inspired songs of praise and worship, and songs of encouragement. He also shares revelation, visions, short stories and insights from the word of God about the type of worship that God desires from His people.

#Acall2Worship is a clarion call back to the reason why we were created and represents a practical discovery and demonstration of the type of worship that God desires. Join the author on this journey and be blessed.

Top reviews from the United States

GilWhyte, author of Shape Your Words, Shape Your Life: The Creative Power of the Scriptures

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on May 20, 2019

As a worship leader, I am always buying books about praise and worship. This book is one of my best so far. I love its simplicity and practicality. The reader is exposed to the things that lead to true worship and the things that separate us from worshipping God in Spirit and in truth. Our lives should epitomise worship, in the good times and in the bad times. The author uses his life experiences to show the practical nature of worship; reinforcing the fact that worship ought to be a lifestyle. I strongly recommend this book to every worship leader; every person who want to live a life of total surrender and submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over their lives; to every person who want to understand God’s purpose for their lives. Congratulations to the author, this book is well written, and packed with wisdom and great insights.

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Lover of God

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 23, 2019

In this book Rayon Baugh has explained that our relationship with our Heavenly Father is one of loving childlike obedience and trust. It’s spiritually motivating and challenges us to exercise deeper Faith in the God whom we love.

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Valerie Caraotta

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on April 13, 2019

I classify this book as an inspirational, informative work that has the thread of worship weaved within. It is a book stemming from author Rayon Baugh’s early passion for music at age 12. It reminded me that when talent and gifting fire burns in our soul at any age to never discount it, to never let anyone talk us out of it, and to inquire fully with God to keep the flame alive.

“Writing and singing consumed me from a tender age. I wrote love songs, songs about situations around me, and gospel songs…I could not separate myself from it “

This book that I consider to be 5 star quality, was a result of Baugh taking his gifting and successive obedience steps and following his God -inspired vision.
“This book has now evolved from just a book of songs expressing worship to shedding light on how to worship God based on scriptures from the Bible. “

From teenage years through adulthood, readers will enjoy Acall2worship if they desire to lead worship or to understand the value of individual private and corporate worship. Great for all maturity levels, it will stir others to realize we are all called to worship. You don’t have to lead in worship or write songs like the author. Rather, as God desires us to worship in Spirit and truth, the reader will comprehend the crucial components to engaging in it.

Learn the keys of acknowledging and obeying God. Know why building an altar – physically or in your heart – leads to greater surrender. Be stirred to remove toxic unforgiveness in your heart and vital reasons why this is essential. Be exhorted to surrender your heart and will. Each of these facets will be backed by scripture and will take you to another level of intimacy with God.
“When we pursue and worship God in spirit and in truth, He stirs the potential He placed inside of us, and the gifts that he placed in us will place us before great men(Prov.18:16).

Included also in this book is the following:
– the seven Hebrew words of praise, their significance and application
– vital keys on why giving is an act of worship
– areas that separate us from God‘s presence

It’s a book of introspection. One discovers where they lie in terms of worship and intimacy. “When God is not a part of our success, and regardless of our achievements in life, we operate outside of our purpose. “ It challenged me to make more deliberate decisions to praise God regardless of how I feel.

Author Rayon Baugh is a gift to the body of Christ and has included his treasures of songs he and his dad wrote. A tremendous aid to anyone desiring to go higher in God. A highly recommended work!




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<div id="cm-cr-local-reviews-title" class="a-section"> <h3 class="a-spacing-medium a-spacing-top-large" data-hook="dp-local-reviews-header">Top reviews from the United States</h3> </div> <div id="cm-cr-dp-review-header" class="a-section a-spacing-small"></div> <div class="a-row"> <div class="a-section a-spacing-large reviews-content filterable-reviews-content celwidget" data-csa-c-id="mbb4dw-4plpcc-s5ihjf-7h9gww" data-cel-widget=""> <div id="cm-cr-dp-review-list" class="a-section review-views celwidget" data-hook="top-customer-reviews-widget" data-csa-c-id="q1ywsm-tw2v9y-psszx0-fzyw4d" data-cel-widget="cm-cr-dp-review-list"> <div id="R2C2T4SZUZBBM8" class="a-section review aok-relative" data-hook="review"> <div id="R2C2T4SZUZBBM8-review-card" class="a-row a-spacing-none"> <div id="customer_review-R2C2T4SZUZBBM8" class="a-section celwidget" data-csa-c-id="dqmeg9-gsx015-fbpchi-v0v00" data-cel-widget="customer_review-R2C2T4SZUZBBM8"> <div class="a-row a-spacing-mini" data-hook="genome-widget"> <div class="a-profile-avatar-wrapper" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="a-profile-avatar"><img class="" src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/W/WEBP_402378-T1/images/S/amazon-avatars-global/ff099347-4410-4dfa-a459-663a11252e36._CR0,0,730,730_SX48_.jpg" data-src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/W/WEBP_402378-T1/images/S/amazon-avatars-global/ff099347-4410-4dfa-a459-663a11252e36._CR0,0,730,730_SX48_.jpg" /></div> </div> <div class="a-profile-content"><span class="a-profile-name">GilWhyte, author of Shape Your Words, Shape Your Life: The Creative Power of the Scriptures</span></div> </div> <div class="a-row"><a class="a-link-normal" title="5.0 out of 5 stars" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2C2T4SZUZBBM8/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1973631164"><i class="a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating" data-hook="review-star-rating"><span class="a-icon-alt">5.0 out of 5 stars</span></i></a><a class="a-size-base a-link-normal review-title a-color-base review-title-content a-text-bold" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2C2T4SZUZBBM8/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1973631164" data-hook="review-title"> Excellent book on worship</a></div> <span class="a-size-base a-color-secondary review-date" data-hook="review-date">Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on May 20, 2019</span> <div class="a-row a-spacing-mini review-data review-format-strip"><a class="a-link-normal" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_avp?nodeId=G75XTB7MBMBTXP6W" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="a-size-mini a-color-state a-text-bold" data-hook="avp-badge-linkless">Verified Purchase</span></a></div> <div class="a-row a-spacing-small review-data"> <div class="a-expander-collapsed-height a-row a-expander-container a-expander-partial-collapse-container" data-a-expander-name="review_text_read_more" data-a-expander-collapsed-height="300"> <div class="a-expander-content reviewText review-text-content a-expander-partial-collapse-content" data-hook="review-collapsed" aria-expanded="false">As a worship leader, I am always buying books about praise and worship. This book is one of my best so far. I love its simplicity and practicality. The reader is exposed to the things that lead to true worship and the things that separate us from worshipping God in Spirit and in truth. Our lives should epitomise worship, in the good times and in the bad times. The author uses his life experiences to show the practical nature of worship; reinforcing the fact that worship ought to be a lifestyle. I strongly recommend this book to every worship leader; every person who want to live a life of total surrender and submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over their lives; to every person who want to understand God's purpose for their lives. Congratulations to the author, this book is well written, and packed with wisdom and great insights.</div> </div> </div> <div class="a-row review-comments cr-vote-action-bar" data-hook="review-comments"> <div class="cr-helpful-button aok-float-left"> <div class="cr-helpful-text">Helpful</div> </div> <span class="cr-footer-line-height"><i class="a-icon a-icon-text-separator" aria-label="|"></i><span class="a-declarative" data-action="cr-popup" data-csa-c-type="widget" data-csa-c-func-deps="aui-da-cr-popup" data-cr-popup="{"width":"580","title":"ReportAbuse","url":"/hz/reviews-render/report-review?ie=UTF8&ref=cm_cr_dp_d_report&csrfT=hKagNJzkDoqr98zFxyAuJuF4BPeTzIYw8DTa3GE0GMvlAAAAAGOntQAAAAAB&reviewId=R2C2T4SZUZBBM8","height":"380"}" data-csa-c-id="ume30e-pgpwvf-uh1fao-fpmh9e"><a class="a-size-base a-link-normal a-color-secondary report-abuse-link a-text-normal" href="https://www.amazon.com/hz/reviews-render/report-review?ie=UTF8&ref=cm_cr_dp_d_report&csrfT=hKagNJzkDoqr98zFxyAuJuF4BPeTzIYw8DTa3GE0GMvlAAAAAGOntQAAAAAB&reviewId=R2C2T4SZUZBBM8">Report abuse</a></span></span></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="R29F53EP2A0CL5" class="a-section review aok-relative" data-hook="review"> <div id="R29F53EP2A0CL5-review-card" class="a-row a-spacing-none"> <div id="customer_review-R29F53EP2A0CL5" class="a-section celwidget" data-csa-c-id="33alj1-hdwadu-d00fue-9ks1gn" data-cel-widget="customer_review-R29F53EP2A0CL5"> <div class="a-row a-spacing-mini" data-hook="genome-widget"> <div class="a-profile-avatar-wrapper" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="a-profile-avatar"><img class="" src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/amazon-avatars-global/default._CR0,0,1024,1024_SX48_.png" data-src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/amazon-avatars-global/default._CR0,0,1024,1024_SX48_.png" /></div> </div> <div class="a-profile-content"><span class="a-profile-name">Lover of God</span></div> </div> <div class="a-row"><a class="a-link-normal" title="5.0 out of 5 stars" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R29F53EP2A0CL5/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1973631164"><i class="a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating" data-hook="review-star-rating"><span class="a-icon-alt">5.0 out of 5 stars</span></i></a><a class="a-size-base a-link-normal review-title a-color-base review-title-content a-text-bold" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R29F53EP2A0CL5/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1973631164" data-hook="review-title"> Keep trusting and believing</a></div> <span class="a-size-base a-color-secondary review-date" data-hook="review-date">Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 23, 2019</span> <div class="a-row a-spacing-mini review-data review-format-strip"><a class="a-link-normal" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_avp?nodeId=G75XTB7MBMBTXP6W" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="a-size-mini a-color-state a-text-bold" data-hook="avp-badge-linkless">Verified Purchase</span></a></div> <div class="a-row a-spacing-small review-data"> <div class="a-expander-collapsed-height a-row a-expander-container a-expander-partial-collapse-container" data-a-expander-name="review_text_read_more" data-a-expander-collapsed-height="300"> <div class="a-expander-content reviewText review-text-content a-expander-partial-collapse-content" data-hook="review-collapsed" aria-expanded="false">In this book Rayon Baugh has explained that our relationship with our Heavenly Father is one of loving childlike obedience and trust. It's spiritually motivating and challenges us to exercise deeper Faith in the God whom we love.</div> </div> </div> <div class="a-row review-comments cr-vote-action-bar" data-hook="review-comments"> <div class="cr-helpful-button aok-float-left"> <div class="cr-helpful-text">Helpful</div> </div> <span class="cr-footer-line-height"><i class="a-icon a-icon-text-separator" aria-label="|"></i><span class="a-declarative" data-action="cr-popup" data-csa-c-type="widget" data-csa-c-func-deps="aui-da-cr-popup" data-cr-popup="{"width":"580","title":"ReportAbuse","url":"/hz/reviews-render/report-review?ie=UTF8&ref=cm_cr_dp_d_report&csrfT=hCdbxXbX9KsAsuuvMtiL2t6MWRvGOw5a15D25SZ27gA8AAAAAGOntQAAAAAB&reviewId=R29F53EP2A0CL5","height":"380"}" data-csa-c-id="4pk949-km0da9-7qoxac-2ls4vn"><a class="a-size-base a-link-normal a-color-secondary report-abuse-link a-text-normal" href="https://www.amazon.com/hz/reviews-render/report-review?ie=UTF8&ref=cm_cr_dp_d_report&csrfT=hCdbxXbX9KsAsuuvMtiL2t6MWRvGOw5a15D25SZ27gA8AAAAAGOntQAAAAAB&reviewId=R29F53EP2A0CL5">Report abuse</a></span></span></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="R2IWGE9OBMV3OT" class="a-section review aok-relative" data-hook="review"> <div id="R2IWGE9OBMV3OT-review-card" class="a-row a-spacing-none"> <div id="customer_review-R2IWGE9OBMV3OT" class="a-section celwidget" data-csa-c-id="bx3d0y-l24uig-ltpnxb-vztfxp" data-cel-widget="customer_review-R2IWGE9OBMV3OT"> <div class="a-row a-spacing-mini" data-hook="genome-widget"> <div class="a-profile-avatar-wrapper" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="a-profile-avatar"><img class="" src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/W/WEBP_402378-T1/images/S/amazon-avatars-global/1f3f8f61-28ab-47e4-87f0-2f9f0cc9615e._CR0,0,300,300_SX48_.jpg" data-src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/W/WEBP_402378-T1/images/S/amazon-avatars-global/1f3f8f61-28ab-47e4-87f0-2f9f0cc9615e._CR0,0,300,300_SX48_.jpg" /></div> </div> <div class="a-profile-content"><span class="a-profile-name">Valerie Caraotta</span></div> </div> <div class="a-row"><a class="a-link-normal" title="5.0 out of 5 stars" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2IWGE9OBMV3OT/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1973631164"><i class="a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating" data-hook="review-star-rating"><span class="a-icon-alt">5.0 out of 5 stars</span></i></a><a class="a-size-base a-link-normal review-title a-color-base review-title-content a-text-bold" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2IWGE9OBMV3OT/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1973631164" data-hook="review-title"> Super resource to lead or enhance personal worship</a></div> <span class="a-size-base a-color-secondary review-date" data-hook="review-date">Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on April 13, 2019</span> <div class="a-row a-spacing-mini review-data review-format-strip"></div> <div class="a-row a-spacing-small review-data"> <div class="a-expander-collapsed-height a-row a-expander-container a-expander-partial-collapse-container" data-a-expander-name="review_text_read_more" data-a-expander-collapsed-height="300"> <div class="a-expander-content reviewText review-text-content a-expander-partial-collapse-content a-expander-content-expanded" data-hook="review-collapsed" aria-expanded="true">I classify this book as an inspirational, informative work that has the thread of worship weaved within. It is a book stemming from author Rayon Baugh’s early passion for music at age 12. It reminded me that when talent and gifting fire burns in our soul at any age to never discount it, to never let anyone talk us out of it, and to inquire fully with God to keep the flame alive. “Writing and singing consumed me from a tender age. I wrote love songs, songs about situations around me, and gospel songs…I could not separate myself from it “ This book that I consider to be 5 star quality, was a result of Baugh taking his gifting and successive obedience steps and following his God -inspired vision. “This book has now evolved from just a book of songs expressing worship to shedding light on how to worship God based on scriptures from the Bible. “ From teenage years through adulthood, readers will enjoy Acall2worship if they desire to lead worship or to understand the value of individual private and corporate worship. Great for all maturity levels, it will stir others to realize we are all called to worship. You don’t have to lead in worship or write songs like the author. Rather, as God desires us to worship in Spirit and truth, the reader will comprehend the crucial components to engaging in it. Learn the keys of acknowledging and obeying God. Know why building an altar – physically or in your heart – leads to greater surrender. Be stirred to remove toxic unforgiveness in your heart and vital reasons why this is essential. Be exhorted to surrender your heart and will. Each of these facets will be backed by scripture and will take you to another level of intimacy with God. “When we pursue and worship God in spirit and in truth, He stirs the potential He placed inside of us, and the gifts that he placed in us will place us before great men(Prov.18:16). Included also in this book is the following: – the seven Hebrew words of praise, their significance and application – vital keys on why giving is an act of worship – areas that separate us from God‘s presence It’s a book of introspection. One discovers where they lie in terms of worship and intimacy. “When God is not a part of our success, and regardless of our achievements in life, we operate outside of our purpose. “ It challenged me to make more deliberate decisions to praise God regardless of how I feel. Author Rayon Baugh is a gift to the body of Christ and has included his treasures of songs he and his dad wrote. A tremendous aid to anyone desiring to go higher in God. A highly recommended work!</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>